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╓─────────────┘    From the MechEng Software Archive    └────────────────╖
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║   shareware and public domain programs with a focus on engineering     ║ █
║   and related subjects.  The archive is published on CDROM and is      ║ █
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Text (91)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
AMORT Text File 7 136b 1988-02-01
ANYFILE.C C/C++ Source or Header 23 552b 1988-02-01
BACKWARD.C C/C++ Source or Header 27 678b 1988-02-01
BETTERIN.C C/C++ Source or Header 21 609b 1988-02-01
BIGARRAY.C C/C++ Source or Header 21 505b 1988-02-01
BIGDYNL.C C/C++ Source or Header 37 1KB 1988-02-01
BITFIELD.C C/C++ Source or Header 18 417b 1988-02-01
BITOPS.C C/C++ Source or Header 37 932b 1988-02-01
BREAKCON.C C/C++ Source or Header 18 374b 1988-02-01
CHARCLAS.C C/C++ Source or Header 44 1KB 1988-02-01
CHAROUT.C C/C++ Source or Header 19 519b 1988-02-01
CHRSTRG.C C/C++ Source or Header 16 405b 1988-02-01
COMMENTS.C Text File 12 466b 1988-02-01
COMPARES.C Text File 42 2KB 1988-02-01
COMPILER.DOC Text File 239 11KB 1988-02-01
CRYPTIC.C C/C++ Source or Header 40 2KB 1988-02-01
DATA.C C/C++ Source or Header 447 15KB 1988-02-01
DEFIN.H Text File 76 3KB 1988-02-01
DEFINE.C C/C++ Source or Header 18 511b 1988-02-01
DOSEX.C C/C++ Source or Header 265 9KB 1988-02-01
DOWHILE.C C/C++ Source or Header 14 248b 1988-02-01
DUMBCONV.C C/C++ Source or Header 19 456b 1988-02-01
DYNLINK.C C/C++ Source or Header 55 2KB 1988-02-01
DYNLIST.C C/C++ Source or Header 44 1KB 1988-02-01
ENUM.C C/C++ Source or Header 21 537b 1988-02-01
FILE.C C/C++ Source or Header 269 10KB 1988-02-01
FIRSTEX.C C/C++ Source or Header 8 119b 1988-02-01
FLOATSQ.C C/C++ Source or Header 35 746b 1988-02-01
FLOATSQ2.C C/C++ Source or Header 39 847b 1988-02-01
FORLOOP.C C/C++ Source or Header 11 242b 1988-02-01
FORMOUT.C C/C++ Source or Header 17 414b 1988-02-01
GOODFORM.C Text File 10 310b 1988-02-01
GOTOEX.C C/C++ Source or Header 40 1KB 1988-02-01
HELP Text File 8 169b 1988-02-01
IFELSE.C C/C++ Source or Header 20 483b 1988-02-01
INMEM.C C/C++ Source or Header 26 588b 1988-02-01
INTARRAY.C C/C++ Source or Header 14 310b 1988-02-01
INTASIGN.C C/C++ Source or Header 23 708b 1988-02-01
INTIN.C C/C++ Source or Header 17 366b 1988-02-01
LIST.C C/C++ Source or Header 40 2KB 1988-02-01
LIST.PRJ Text File 3 13b 1988-02-01
LISTF.C C/C++ Source or Header 159 7KB 1988-02-01
LOTTYPES.C C/C++ Source or Header 44 2KB 1988-02-01
MACRO.C C/C++ Source or Header 27 924b 1988-02-01
MORTYPES.C C/C++ Source or Header 20 705b 1988-02-01
MULTIARY.C C/C++ Source or Header 25 687b 1988-02-01
NESTED.C C/C++ Source or Header 40 877b 1988-02-01
ONEINT.C C/C++ Source or Header 11 230b 1988-02-01
PASSBACK.C C/C++ Source or Header 33 1KB 1988-02-01
PAYMENT Text File 6 107b 1988-02-01
POINTER.C Text File 13 505b 1988-02-01
POINTER2.C C/C++ Source or Header 27 834b 1988-02-01
PRINTALL.BAT DOS Batch File 122 2KB 1988-02-01
PRINTDAT.C C/C++ Source or Header 23 615b 1988-02-01
READ.ME Text File 122 5KB 1988-02-01
READCHAR.C C/C++ Source or Header 20 480b 1988-02-01
READGOOD.C C/C++ Source or Header 20 447b 1988-02-01
READLINE.C C/C++ Source or Header 20 442b 1988-02-01
READTEXT.C C/C++ Source or Header 19 427b 1988-02-01
RECURSON.C C/C++ Source or Header 19 322b 1988-02-01
SCOPE.C C/C++ Source or Header 48 1KB 1988-02-01
SHIFTER.C C/C++ Source or Header 25 584b 1988-02-01
SIMPLEIO.C C/C++ Source or Header 17 472b 1988-02-01
SINGLEIO.C C/C++ Source or Header 17 377b 1988-02-01
SPECIAL.C C/C++ Source or Header 29 810b 1988-02-01
SQUARES.C C/C++ Source or Header 23 502b 1988-02-01
STRINGIN.C C/C++ Source or Header 18 400b 1988-02-01
STRINGS.C C/C++ Source or Header 27 654b 1988-02-01
STRUCT.DEF Text File 18 1KB 1988-02-01
STRUCT1.C C/C++ Source or Header 25 645b 1988-02-01
STRUCT2.C C/C++ Source or Header 29 678b 1988-02-01
STRUCT3.C C/C++ Source or Header 32 791b 1988-02-01
SUMSQRES.C C/C++ Source or Header 34 866b 1988-02-01
SWITCH.C C/C++ Source or Header 26 714b 1988-02-01
TEMPCONV.C C/C++ Source or Header 31 1KB 1988-02-01
TEST Text File 52 1KB 1988-02-01
TEST.BAT DOS Batch File 32 617b 1988-02-01
TRIVIAL.C C/C++ Source or Header 4 14b 1988-02-01
TWOWAY.C C/C++ Source or Header 25 727b 1988-02-01
UGLYFORM.C Text File 5 207b 1988-02-01
UNION1.C C/C++ Source or Header 20 478b 1988-02-01
UNION2.C C/C++ Source or Header 56 2KB 1988-02-01
UPLOW.C C/C++ Source or Header 43 1KB 1988-02-01
VC.C C/C++ Source or Header 361 15KB 1988-02-01
VC.DOC Text File 307 13KB 1988-02-01
VC.PRJ Text File 5 23b 1988-02-01
VIDEO.C C/C++ Source or Header 355 12KB 1988-02-01
WHATNEXT.C C/C++ Source or Header 74 4KB 1988-02-01
WHILE.C C/C++ Source or Header 14 266b 1988-02-01
WRTMORE.C C/C++ Source or Header 8 173b 1988-02-01
WRTSOME.C C/C++ Source or Header 5 63b 1988-02-01

Other Files (2)
LIST.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 10KB 1988-02-01
VC.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 34KB 1988-02-01